Submission Guidelines
Proposals must have a clear title that speaks to the conference theme of 'Making a Difference' (max. 20 words). This is to be followed by a brief description (max. 150 words) of the the topic of the research (must be related to education in some way), methodology used, and findings. It must culminate with how the research makes the world a better place. Research must be original and not AI generated. Include your name, title, and professional association (see examples below) and type of presentation (presentation or poster session).
Deadline for proposals: May 15, 2024
Extended to: June 15, 2024
Please allow for a minimum of two weeks' peer review time.
Title: Research on Indigenization: A Useful Tool to Indigenize your Learning Spaces
- Dr. Hilda Freimuth, Thompson Rivers University, Canada (Poster Presentation]
This poster presentation highlights the findings of a research study that examined ways in which to indigenize a classroom. The research was in response to Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action. Through a literature review and expert Indigenous conversations, a simple and meaningful tool was created for instructors to use in their classroom redesign. The poster highlights the changes made in a language learning centre with the use of this tool, displaying images of indigenized areas of learning, and shows how international students visiting the centre learn about Indigenous culture.
Title: Sweatshops on Wheels? A Closer Look at British Columbia's Trucking Industry Education Standards and Licensing Practices
- Dr. Hilda Freimuth, Thompson Rivers University, Canada (Presentation]
This session begins with a personal story that highlights the motivation behind the research. The topic of the increase in semi-trailer accidents on the roads, particularly on the highways of B.C., is investigated through a thorough literature review and informal interview questions. Topics examined include accident rates, a comparison of local and international training standards, and licensing practices for domestic and foreign drivers. The presentation ends with recommendations for the B.C. Government that will save the lives of hundreds of people in the future. These include doubling the hours of training, re-testing every five years, and testing for the ability to navigate mountain, night, and winter driving conditions through simulators.